I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the employees of the Grodno Perinatal Center: obstetricians and gynecologists -
Tadeusz Vitolidovich Drabovich, Victoria V. Bondarenko, Alexander Vladimirovich Fedin, head of the physiological department -
Kachuk Natalia Vladimirovna, head of the Department of Pregnancy Pathology of the observational - Demina Olga Vladimirovna, neonatologist - Alexey Olga Alexandrovna, anesthesiologist-intensive care physician - Lazutenkova Marina Leonidovna, obstetrician of the maternity department - Nasriddinova Ariadna Alexandrovna,
head of the pediatric department for newborns and premature babies - Lukashik Svetlana Dmitrievna and the entire pediatric department
Thank you so much for your high professionalism, warm-hearted warmth, conscientious performance of your duties, sensitivity, patience, understanding, care, kindness and attentive attitude towards me and my daughter. We wish you all health, well-being, and achievement of your goals. I bow low to everyone.
Your work is irreplaceable and very valuable. We wish all employees prosperity and peace.
I really wish there were more such doctors, and your work was encouraged.
Sincerely Rudak I.Yu
I would like to express my boundless gratitude to the best doctor of the Grodno maternity hospital Gurin Andrey Leonidovich for the operation performed on me. For your sensitive heart, caring attitude, incredible professionalism.
All these qualities combine to make you a unique person. Special thanks to all the medical staff of the genecological department.
For your reverent attitude, responsiveness, sensitivity, understanding, friendly and attentive attitude. Throughout my stay in the hospital, I was surrounded by the care and attention of all the medical staff. Thanks to the intensive care nurses who ran up in one second when it got bad. They did everything to alleviate the condition. Many years will pass, but gratitude will always be alive in my heart.
Thank you very much to T. Kolesnikova
For her achievement, for her tinder, for understanding and good attitude towards patients.
Thank you so much for helping our daughter to come to this wonderful world. and to all the staff who already take care of babies and women in labor after childbirth, it is not so simple and easy, they bear great responsibility for the children and their mothers without sparing themselves, Thank you very much to the whole team!!!