Route 13 , 07/29/2024 aoem 14 37 from the mountains. I went to the hospital, I went on the bus and wanted to pay for a ticket , but the conductor was busy changing money from a person and did not count me out , I was busy with my business , I gave five rubles , the conductor gave me 4 rubles and 20 kopecks, (in units of 20 kopecks . ) I began to count, and the conductor in a rude form: "free paid", I stand counting, the conductor again : I gave everything clearly, I'm free , I think that the conductor does not have the right to communicate with passengers like that, and I should not wait until she does her business, exchanged money.
Hello, I want to complain about the bus number 26 at the Targoshinskaya street stop arrived ahead of time reis was 22:01 arrived at 22:00 (07/18/2024 I asked to wait held the door with my hand
without making sure that I was still holding the door because the child ran just like a child ran up he closed despite the fact that my hand is inside the bus There was nothing to embarrass him and just left, please figure it out ????
Good evening. Please adjust the schedule of bus 44, there is no schedule on Saturday, in the morning the children go to school on the sixth day of school before getting to the city. Previously, the schedule was adequate by 9 o'clock you are in the city, but now it is terrible. Please give me a flight earlier. Thanks
Hello, I want to complain about the driver Bogatyrevich S. Bus 10 every morning when he has a flight, he basically does not open the front door, despite the fact that there are always a lot of people in the morning, he sees that people are standing near the door, I mean he does not open the door from the street. Please sort it out. Thanks
Most of the conductors are rude and ill-mannered, they immediately respond with screams and psychos, they do not know how to drive a driver in half of the cases. The conductor is the face of your "park" in the case when there is no respect in communication with people, it is worth reviewing your staff or teaching competent communication.
Hello, about the bus route 8. On Friday 08.11. cars run according to the weekend schedule.At the XI stop, he should be at 15.08 there was no flight, the next one is an hour later On Friday, if people are working, why is there no transport?It's just that negligence goes beyond that.
09/19/2024 bus number 4 time 15.05 Volkov IPD stop the controllers did not even reach me got off the bus and I drove quietly without a ticket
And the conductor was generally dealing with the child and his banking, everything is cool. Thank you for your work.
Good day..
September 2, 2024 (line 10 school.) Stop on Savicha Street,bus number10 in the morning at 8.26 according to the schedule, but arrived 3 minutes earlier, the children did not have time to run, they had to wait for the next one!
We got into the minibus with our things, to the sub on Settlement Street at 21.20 and we were taken to the city hospital instead of the station.On the of.The bus to the park goes online at 22.36 in the AP.What's the mess?Make up your mind.A lot of people went the wrong way.
Route number 246 Pinsk- Chemeris at 9-30 am on March 27, 2024. I sat down at a movie rental stop. There were empty seats, I sat in the back. For health reasons, it is difficult for me to get up and sit down (a sore joint).
I have been a pensioner since 2021. She handed over 20 rubles for the ticket, but the conductor did not give me the ticket and the change, she demanded to approach her personally. They say I am healthy, please tell me if there is an order to personally approach the conductor for a ticket, and it is forbidden to transfer money and a ticket.
Please draw the attention of drivers to the stop of Agro College 2. Commuter flights do not all stop at the stop, although they are indicated in the schedule. They can pass by. Today, the route of the village stopped on the roadway at 19.12. I had to wave or I would have passed by. The driver explained that he should not stop at the bus stop here. Then why would she???
I work for JSC Polesie. The work schedule is from 8 to 17, we leave the checkpoint at 17-05, go to the bus stop, bus 13 leaves in front of us. The next one according to the schedule at 17-10, for example, yesterday, and not only yesterday, did not come at all, and so it goes with a delay of several minutes, etc., but not according to the schedule. I don't understand how your logisticians work, making schedules.
Passengers of flight 29 express their extreme dissatisfaction and indignation with the buses that run along the route. Not only are the buses narrow, they are also small. There are a lot of people, the buses are packed. 29 is the only flight that goes from Severny to Albrekhtovo, people go to work and to the clinic, so the bus needs a BIG AND WIDE one!!!
The bus timetable is beyond words. The organization of work in order to "improve efficiency" and "improve the quality of service". Route 13 during rush hour (16.56 - 17.30) is a 34-minute wait. Thanks
Hello, Tell me why it is written in the bus schedule that a bus will arrive, a disabled person can go to the prison, but in fact a large one with steps arrives. Then why write it at all, if in fact it is completely different. Was it more than once?
Прошу обратить внимание на кондуктора Михайловскую Наталью и её манеру обращения с пассажирами. Сегодня утром на маршруте 5 она стала кричать на пассажиров из-за того, что у неё нет сдачи с 1 рубля!!!! Прошу заметить, с 1!!! рубля. Не крупной купюры. И это был не первый рейс. Кондуктор кричала, ругалась и возмущалась. На просьбы успокоится и не повышать голос не реагировала. Испортила настроение, потрепала нервы и подняла давление не одному человеку. Такое поведение на рабочем месте считаю не допустимым! Примите меры!
The terrible organization of traffic for the Beresteysky sleigh holiday, they could have thought of adding flights to the side where mass events are organized, or at least allowed flights on a working day
У автоперевозчика нет данных о движении его автобусов. В частности Вроцлав - Пинск. Диспетчер ни на один вопрос о задержке автобуса ответить не могла, отправляла к начальству, но контактных телефонов дать не могла, сказала что ей запретили.
The route to Warsaw. The seats are broken (the backrest cannot be reclined). There are two adjacent seats behind the driver, which are forbidden to sit on.
Особая благодарность дедам морозам
Пинского автобусного парка . Приятно видеть, когда подъезжая, дед мороз машет рукой, приветствуя пассажиров. Сразу поднимается настроение. И уже не чувствуешь себя уставшим и не выспавшимся, после празднования. А детям- просто счастье. Всем здоровья, радости, удачи, хорошего настроения. Может быть стоит автобусному парку устраивать такие акции на постоянной основе ежегодно?
Сегодня 20.02.2023 год.автобус номер 9, опоздал на 11 минут.номер 5 уехал раньше на 5 минут.как жто понимать?если изменили расписание,внесите изменения в интернете и на автобусных остановках.
За то что заляпал стенку обувью водитель меня ударил и орал,в автобусах очень холодно,в том году кондуктор порвала справку,т к сказала что она поддельная.Уважаемые, нанимайте хотя-бы одекватных сотрудников🤗,цены растут и неодекватность персонала тоже🥰
Скажите, что должно случиться, что бы городские и пригородные автобусы в минус 15 мороза, отапливались!? Плотница-Пинск, Пучины-Пинск,пока доедешь до города, можно превратится в ледышку. А ещё водители обилечивают пассажиров при всех открытых дверях! Но им то что!? Им то тепленько! Хорошо, что не майках за рулём! Администрация парка! Примите меры!
Level 3 Local Expert
January 5, 2023
Уважаемая администрация автобусного парка г.Пинск!Разберитесь пожалуйста с хамоватым поведением кондукторов и контролёров на маршруте!Мужчин в очках большой молодец 👏 Приветливый,не кого не толкает,всегда подскажет.Больше бы таких кондукторов как он👍Большое спасибо ему.
Сколько можно экспериментировать с маршрутом 7. Изначально убрали вечерние маршруты.. затем и утренние!!! Не на работу добраться, ни с работы вернуться!!
piwib (wipiby)
Level 10 Local Expert
June 10, 2022
Ехал в автобусе Пинск-Брест, там был кондиционер! Я сделал всё возможное, чтобы успеть на этот автобус обратно)
Мне понравилось, в автобусе было комфортно, прохладно, а на улице жарковато. И водитель приятный 🙂