A very ambiguous impression. I chose a sofa through an online store, I came here to look and touch, even if it wasn't exactly like that, but I wanted to represent the build quality, upholstery, comfort (in fact, the assortment is not radically different). There was no such upholstery as in the sofa I had chosen. It's strange, even if they offered something like: "Here's the same quality, but a different color." But no. There's just no sample. They showed similar versions of sofas (thanks for that), and, as it seemed to me, they were inclined to choose from the available assortment (with notes of negativity - did they decide to take a pig in a poke after all?). I asked about the loan, they replied that they did not give it in the online store, only payment in cash or by card. But I still decided to order the selected model (there was a good discount) in the online store. And I find out that it can be borrowed! That's what it was: incompetence or a desire to sell the product from your point of sale? It seems that the goods were shown and told about different models, but the sediment remained.
We visited this store because we were told that there is the largest selection at this address.But it's not about the area, as it turned out, it's very important which consultant works.We visited 3 addresses and had a decent consultation in only one store. I think that in such places there should be more exhibition pieces and different textures.
We wanted to order a kitchen, but the staff discouraged us. Half an hour of humiliation, a person is not interested in ordering a kitchen there, asked us why we did not order it elsewhere, did not allow us to see the palette in full, criticized our design solution, criticized our wishes, called them inconvenient, although they faced such and knew that it would be more convenient. They came out in horror and in a terrible mood. I really wanted to order a kitchen here, but unfortunately the consultant discouraged all desire....if a person does not have the motivation to be interested, then I try to imagine that she would draw us a design project....
Terrible attitude of consultants!
06.12 a woman worked on the second floor, her client orientation was at zero.
She refused to call the store on Masherov to clarify the availability of the chair. She said it wasn't for her, but for me)
She was unhappy all the time, she didn't want to show the chair options because they were too expensive for me.I walked around sighing after each additional question
Sellers are not customer-oriented at all
There is a lady working on the second floor, who said from the doorway that their factory would not adapt to us
We just left)
It is better to order from a private trader
Широкий ассортимент. Большое спасибо работникам магазина за грамотную консультацию и помощь в выборе (покупал кровать, матрац, шкаф и комод) очень порадовало отсутствия навязывания чего подороже. При единовременной оплате (без рассрочек) действовала скидка, что очень порадовало. Сборщик так же оказался вежлив, пунктуален, со сборкой трехдверного шкафа справился примерно за час (с учетом распаковки). Мебель хорошего качества, за год использования нареканий нет.
Ужасно. Хотели купить матрас. Стояли в очереди 25 минут. Женщина что то делала в компе. Обслуживала предыдущего посетителя. Вы, конечно, извините. Ну либо научите работника работать быстрее либо введите в штат ещё одного продавца. Чтобы купить матрас за 1300 рублей я не хочу стоять в очередях столько времени. В итоге ушли в другой магазин. Вместе со стоящими позади покупателями шкафа. Не вернёмся больше. Обслуживание оставляет желать лучшего.
Продавцы на 3 этаже не заинтересованы в продаже, помощи с выбором. Хамское отношение к покупателям.
Приезжали за стульями: родители насмотрели через известный поисковик (браузер) стулья Пинскдрев, приехали в магазин, скриншот не сделали, но цену запомнили. Обратились за помощью к продавцам, на что был получен ответ «таких цен у нас нет, искать мы ничего не будем, каталога у нас нет, интернета у нас нет, Вам надо-ищите сами и говорите точную модель». После этих фраз 2 женщины скрылись в подсобке.
Я, конечно, понимаю, что у них другие дела и заботы, но такого отношения я не видел очень давно. Крайне не советую данный магазин на Алибегова!!! Из плюсов-парковка и чистота в магазине (уборщица улыбалась и протирала пыль).
Справедливости ради напишу, что выйдя за двери магазина мы нашли стулья, которые хотели родители, и это были стулья другого производителя.