Problems when paying with a card for orders from an online store. For this purpose, a separate terminal was allocated, which was buggy at the time of the visit, and they could not perform an operation on another terminal.
We bought a sofa in Pinskdreve in Molodechno. For the money that was given for this sofa, they brought it with just the legs torn out, and plus everything else with a hole in the bottom of the sofa. The store manager called, this "sweet" woman, said that we broke it ourselves. The legs themselves are made very incomprehensibly, then they are screwed on thick plywood, then on thin, then without at all, i.e. the sofa is crookedly made? The result of the purchase is spoiled nerves and wasted money, because I had to give half a day to fix the horror that was brought. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS STORE TO ANYONE!