Хрустящие треугольнички из тесто с начинкой из мясного фарша, обжаренные во фритюре, подаются со сметаной и соусом Сальса
2890 ₸
Паста альфредо
Паста в сливочном соусе с сыром Пармезан и маринованной куриной грудкой, жареной на гриле Добавить дополнительно: Помидоры Шампиньоны Перец халапеньо Курица Сыр моцарелла
Well, the name of the place has been changed. It consists of three floors (beer hall, pub, summer terrace). The kitchen is great, the service is also great. Previously, there was complete unsanitary conditions, I left comments about cats that walked right on the tables, but it was during the daytime, I did not observe this in the evening. The range of alcohol is meager, the atmosphere is generally very pleasant.
High-quality delicious beer, and beer snacks, and main dishes… There are also stronger distillates ... a very pleasant welcoming host - a super pro from down under - personally controls that everything is at the highest level - there are a lot of expats, and everyone is happy ...)))