Хрустящие треугольнички из тесто с начинкой из мясного фарша, обжаренные во фритюре, подаются со сметаной и соусом Сальса
2890 ₸
Паста альфредо
Паста в сливочном соусе с сыром Пармезан и маринованной куриной грудкой, жареной на гриле Выбери свою любимую пасту: Добавить дополнительно: Помидоры Шампиньоны Перец халапеньо Курица Сыр моцарелла
Assalaamualecum.I advise everyone to visit this place very beautifully expensive, the interior is beautiful, the kitchen is unusual, there is a cool bar, live music and there are board games like the 90s. good luck
I liked everything live music and dancing and getting high, we sat with a friend, the brain calmed down, everything is fine, I myself am glad that there is such a place when it is lonely and to sit and hear live music on a higher level, I will come again as soon as Taraz
The barbecue was not very good, when we were there, the band performed, live music, they sing well, I liked it. In general, a decent establishment, good places to relax, comfortable sofas.