Составы: натуральные ткани (шерсть) с добавлением вискозы\полиэстра\хлопка\лайкры
Внутренняя часть: хлопок, полиэстер
Покрой: приталенный
Бесплатная подгонка костюма под фигуру в нашем собственном швейном ателье в течении 60 минут
399 Br
Летняя обувь из натуральной кожи
Качественная и стильная мужская обувь. Бренд PIZHON. Удвоенная гарантия 60 дней.
I really like the point, the cool style of the store. Convenient location and cool guys are working, they will always help, they will pick up everything. You come in like good friends, they meet you with a smile and a charge.
I often get to Yuri, I always leave happy and with a good bow!
A modern and stylish store with a convenient location, as well as with cool staff, helped to choose a wedding suit, a private hotel, a separate like, everything was filed on time, stylist Yuri special thanks to you)
I love cool clothes very much super beautiful super neat everything is done everything is perfect it hasn't torn yet it's just wonderful I really liked it and my daughter too