Говяжьи щёки с мини-морковью в соусе Демиглас, картофельное пюре, шпинат, Джюгас
25.1 Br355 g
Драники по-деревенски
Хрустящие драники, свинина и бекон, обжаренные в сливочном соусе с помидорами, сладким перцем, луком-пореем и рукколой
21.3 Br415 g
Куриное филе с картофельными ньокками
Куриное филе, картофельные ньокки в сливочном соусе с миксом из жареных грибов (боровики консервированные обжаренные, шампиньоны и вешенки) с чесноком и луком, томатами черри и беконом, Джюгас, руккола
I really like this restaurant. The employees are very kind and polite. I recommend you . My Russian is not good but they behave with me very polite and exactly they try to speak with me ☺️. The foods are delicious and the prices are not expensive . Atmosphere is great and the place is cozy
We went with a friend to have a snack on 09/26/2024 in the evening at around 21:00. Despite the almost full room, the orders arrived very quickly, and at the end of the day the waitress remained friendly and welcoming. Despite the very affordable prices, the quality of the dishes and the service are on the level. I will especially note the delicious mushroom soup with cheese with mold. It's so delicious that I didn't even have time to take a picture)
We went to the restaurant on Friday evening: almost all the tables were occupied, but the polite waiters very quickly found a cozy place for us, the kitchen was delicious and quickly fed. Thanks to the establishment for a pleasant evening!!!