Яки сяке маки (6 шт.), Яки кани сутикку маки (6 шт.), Тайгер ролл (6 шт.)
32.5 Br490 g
Рамен с курицей
В Японии существует традиция - есть рамен в полной тишине. Потому что он должен быть настолько вкусным, чтобы у людей не было времени на разговоры. Уверены, от нашего супа с яичной лапшой, поджаренной курицей, шпинатом, яйцом, ростками бобов и зелёны
17.9 Br480 g
Ака идзуми маки
Когда нужен компромисс. 2 в 1: белая рыба в темпуре (в огурце и в угре). Украшаем икрой тобико. Поливаем медовым спайси-соусом и унаги
15.9 Br205 g
Криспи райс лосось гребешок
Обжаренный до хрустящей корочки рис с миксом лосося и гребешка, соусом спайси и икрой масаго
10.5 Br70 g
Криспи райс тунец спайси
Поджаренный рис в темпуре с тунцом конфи, соусом спайси и кунжутом
9.9 Br70 g
Сякэ Маки
Ролл с лососем, рисом, сливочным сыром и васаби, завёрнутый в нори (6 шт.)
8.9 Br105 g
Роллы с креветкой, икрой тобико, сливочным сыром, яичным блинчиком чакин, обжаренные в хрустящих сухарях панко (6 шт.)
A great place in the city center. Such an oasis of peace and tranquility. It is cozy, tasty and friendly. As long as I have been here, very polite waiters always serve. They try to complete the order quickly. I really like the atmosphere itself, a nice calm interior, it is quite possible to sit alone or in the company of friends. A place for pleasant conversations and relaxation, who does not need unnecessary noise. Sushi is also always delicious. An interesting serving of lemonades and cocktails.
A great place for a family dinner) A wide variety of menus, easily chose what to eat for the child and ate their fill! We tried several different sushi sets: black roll with eel and shrimp, tiger roll, wasabi shrimp roll. The taste of the rolls is interesting, the combinations are unusual. My wife tried tom yam soup, she quite liked it, almost like in Thailand! In general, the place is cool, we have already invited our friends here for dinner with wine and without children)
If you don't like the national cuisine, you can come here for "European classics". Of the unusual ones, I only put a roll dog on the plus side. It is original, unusual and delicious. Now the flaws :
After putting us at the table, the waiter forgot about us. After 10 minutes, at our request, he brought the menu, and after another 10-15 minutes he accepted the order. The food was cooked moderately quickly. There are no complaints about the waiter - gentlemen, the management - why is there only one person in 2 large halls? He physically cannot manage to serve everyone well. Soy sauce and accessories should be served immediately, not after a separate request. We were lucky, but the people who came 10 minutes later than us were still sitting without food