The Giza Plateau is a unique place that impresses with its beauty and grandeur. Some of the most famous structures of the ancient world are located here — the pyramids of Cheops, Khafren and Mikerin.The Giza plateau is located on the west bank of the Nile, in the suburbs of Cairo. This place attracts tourists from all over the world who want to see one of the seven wonders of the world.The pyramids on the Giza plateau are real architectural masterpieces. They are built of huge stone blocks that fit perfectly to each other. Pyramids amaze with their scale and precision of execution.In addition to the pyramids, many other interesting objects can be seen on the Giza plateau. There are ancient cemeteries, temples and statues here.A visit to the Giza plateau leaves an unforgettable impression. This is an opportunity to touch ancient history, feel the greatness of ancient civilizations and think about how much we still don't know about the world. I recommend visiting the Giza Plateau to anyone interested in the history, archaeology and culture of Ancient Egypt.
What can I say, this is the only remaining wonder of the world. Feel the power of a bygone civilization.
From a practical point of view, bring water and hats with you)))))
An amazing place, captures the scale of time! The mystery of history!
Be careful, the locals want to take pictures of you "for free" and take your phone, to be honest they are very annoying.
Cool, very atmospheric, what can I say - one of the wonders of the world. To go to Egypt without visiting the pyramids is to go in vain. It is better, of course, through Cairo, and not by a guided tour.
The score was taken off for intrusive sellers, assistants of various and strange touts.
Be sure to visit the Giza plateau when visiting Egypt. Pyramids need to be seen with YOUR OWN eyes. This is an unforgettable sight. The main advice is not to go on excursions, do not listen to guides and merchants who are yelling there - they will only distract you from attentive contemplation. Plug in your headphones, turn on the music and watch, watch, watch. Touch and see, do not listen to the guide - he will tell all sorts of tall tales about pharaohs and other nonsense. Why do you need this nonsense? Anyway, no one knows ANYTHING about these pyramids and other buildings in Egypt. . This is a real miracle of our world. They are incredibly huge, huge and mysterious. Watch and imprint images into your memory. Do not forget - they are beyond our understanding and we do not know who, when, how, and even more so for what purposes they created all this. I can not turn my tongue to say built, because they are so proportional and harmonious that they resemble exactly the creatures as in nature.