Свежий и ароматный салат с овощами. Помидоры, огурцы и сладкий перец гармонично сочетаются с солоноватыми маслинами и нежной брынзой. Листья салата добавляют хрусткости, а оливковое масло подчёркивает вкус ингредиентов
1400 ₸
Свежий и лёгкий салат с помидорами, луком и зеленью. Хрустящие овощи гармонично сочетаются с ароматом кинзы и укропа. Ачичук порадует своей простотой и вкусом
1000 ₸
Лёгкий и хрустящий салат с овощами. Помидоры, огурцы и сладкий перец придают свежесть, а лук добавляет пикантности. Заправлен подсолнечным маслом, которое подчёркивает вкус овощей
I recently ordered breakfast here, rice porridge, they brought me rice soup, not porridge, I refused, and called the waiter to call the cook for me, but he did not come out into the hall, I returned so that they could redo it with me , after a few minutes of course they did, the cook came out with a disgruntled rye and put it next to I put a piece of cake in a bag , I came to work , ate porridge , after that, after 20-30 minutes, I felt sick, I almost lay ill for days , my stomach hurt a lot , I didn't eat the cake at all, but threw it in the trash, I don't know what he added there, although I work in the Hospital, I didn't go back because I barely got there to the house .If you don't know how to cook, it doesn't mean that you have to put something in your customers' food so that the person gets sick or dies there.. On behalf of Indira Yerbolatovna!