мойка из нержавеющей стали премиум класса GERHANS PVD
Один из фаворитов кухонных моек - мойка из нержавеющей стали премиум класса GERHANS PVD графит. Размер мойки 500*600 мм, размер моечной чаши 400*550 мм, глубина 220 мм. Модно, современно,практично - больше нечего сказать!
A good store, special thanks for the advice of the seller Andrey, although he is not an expert himself, it was necessary to make polypropylene pipes, conduct pipes, suggested what is best, special thanks for the welding machine for soldering pipes, soldered pipes for free, there is also the opportunity to take more material if you do not need it without problems. There is a lot of choice in the store. I recommend it to everyone.
I needed some plumbing.Friends recommended this store .And I did not regret that I turned there.The choice of goods is large, the prices are quite normal.Consultant Andrey, very pleasant and polite, explained everything in detail, helped in choosing the product.Now only to them!!!