It is not the first year that we have been camping with friends on the shore of Lake Bolshye Shvakshty. The place is equipped with gazebos, benches, toilets, garbage is taken out. They bring firewood. In short, everything is for people, everything is for a carefree holiday. The lake near the shore is not deep, it is definitely suitable for families with young children. The cost of parking is 7 rubles per person per day. The only inconvenience is noisy companies. Sometimes people come to break away, drink, and sing songs. But when going camping with tents, you need to be prepared for this. Fishing only from a boat, you won't catch anything near the shore.
A beautiful beach with clean sand and shallow depth, it will be especially good here with children. And there are incredibly beautiful views of the water surface and sunsets!
A great place to relax. The water is clean. The beach is excellent, sandy, the bottom is also sandy. The entrance to the water is smooth, a great option for families with children. There are few people compared to large campsites, it is suitable for family holidays. I recommend the place)