Во-первых, это лучший прокат в гудаури без преувеличений. Парни подберут топовую доску, настроят и обслужат. Доски про качества и есть про уровня.Экипировка супер.Уже 3й сезон планирую только к ним.
Во-вторых, у них можно заказать КАСТОМНУЮ доску!! Что я и сделал. Аркадий помог правильно подобрать прогибы, углы и материал. И кастомный принт идеально напечатан. Восторг!
Рекомендую сразу обращаться в Podkat и не тратить время на другие.
First of all, this is without exaggeration the best rental service in Gudauri. The guys will help you choose a top-quality board, set it up, and provide excellent maintenance. They have gear for both beginners and professionals. The equipment is superb! This is my third season, and I only go to them.
Secondly, you can order a custom snowboard from them! That’s exactly what I did. Arkady helped me choose the right flex, angles, and materials, and the custom print was done perfectly. The result exceeded all expectations!
I highly recommend going straight to Podkat and not wasting time on other options.
We recently went skiing with friends in Gudauri and rented snowboarding equipment from the guys. We were absolutely delighted!🔥
The guys helped us choose the equipment for everyone, and for different types of skiing, they told us everything, picked it up and set it up. They really know what they're doing and take great care of the equipment.
A special + for the super comfortable and pleasant atmosphere that the guys create