I learned about this monument on the M.. V. It is well written about the feat of 500 Soviet border guards and 150 of their pupils who, in the early days of the war, went to bayonet tanks side by side with their shaggy brothers long before the order "Not a step back!" They all died and were buried in one Mass Grave..
Eternal Memory to them!
Over the years of the war, more than 60,000 service dogs participated in the battles, they rescued or assisted more than 400,000 soldiers and officers, and defused 4,000,000 mines and land mines!!! Type in the search engine an article in the Moscow Komsomolets about the feat of these dogs and their guides!!! Everyone should know about this, my detailed review and photos are missing, I restored them from memory...I will definitely describe this unknown event of the Great Patriotic War in detail!!
It was the only dog and human fight in recent history.July 30, 1941 near the village of Legedzino, a separate border battalion (500 people) and 150 service dogs, covering the retreating units, took the last stand against the German motorcycle infantry regiment. When the bullets ran out, the border guards and their dogs went on the attack and knocked over the enemy. Victory was close, but tanks came to the rescue. There is such a thing as "Courage of the doomed", when there is no fear anymore and there is only one wild desire - to take at least one more enemy with you. The border guards launched a bayonet attack on the tanks, their war dogs were running ahead. Everyone died, fought to the last. Later, local residents buried the border guards and dogs in one mass grave. After the war, a monument was erected at this place - a monument to border guards and a monument to dogs stand side by side in one row.