Good day! I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the staff of the police department located at 11 Yuri Mendeleev Street in Petropavlovsk. Returning home at night on 01.01.2024, I was attacked and robbed by a stranger on the street, and for the first time I turned to the police station located at the Petropavlovsk railway station. Despite the holiday weekend, the department staff arrived promptly, studied my problem in detail, politely, politely and respectfully conducted a conversation, helped in filling out all necessary documents, took them with them, found the perpetrator within an hour and kept up to date with the progress of the case, professionally resolving the conflict as soon as possible. I would like to thank separately the head of the OKP LOB at Petropavlovsk station, Police Major Snezhkov A. N., police Major Praev A.M., police Major Kazbekov N. and criminologist OKG Brytkov V. E. for their valor, interest in conflict resolution and high level of professionalism. The first experience of interaction with the police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan turned out to be extremely positive, and I saw with my own eyes that this structure does not just work, but does it in good faith, giving real protection to every resident of the Republic, Thank you!