A convenient polyclinic for residents of the neighborhood, you can donate blood from a vein, do an ECG, get an appointment with a therapist. There are queues, the area will be built up - it will get worse
A very necessary medical facility for the Stepyanka microdistrict. It is possible to get injections, ECG, flu and coronavirus vaccinations. Good girls are doctors' assistants, very polite and literate. An excellent specialist is the head of Krivel E.
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Level 11 Local Expert
June 6, 2024
Arriving at 12:10, with a fever, they turned around at the reception, saying the doctor of your site will be at 15:00. Ignoring it, I went to the doctor of the second precinct. There was no queue. The person who knocked on the office to be accepted was told to wait in the corridor. After waiting until 12:55 (the reception ends at 13:00), they deigned to accept, all this time a doctor with 4 nurses just sat and drove teas.