Recent changes are only for the better. Always clean and tidy. The queues are not as huge as they used to be. The medical staff tries to treat patients politely. There are only two problems. If you enter a ticket entry, then follow this strictly. Only three doctors respect people and their time: a surgeon, an endocrinologist and a gynecologist (my doctors). I can't talk about other doctors. But you need to take armor and a sword to the therapists. You can't break through without a fight in your time!
And one more minus. The doctor got sick unexpectedly, plans changed - call as polite people and warn. I understand that there is a lot of work, many people need to call, but this is your job. People make plans, drive after work and "kiss the castle." In my whole life, only once did the therapist's nurse warn about the cancellation, thanks to the girl.
I hope they will listen to my words, the registry office does not want to hear about it.
I would like to single out DIANA SERGEEVNA PUGACHEVA. I felt sick, so I called a doctor at home, namely DIANA SERGEEVNA PUGACHEVA. I had symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, fever 38 at night, 37 in the morning, nausea, diarrhea, cough and sore throat. To which Diana S. Pugacheva told me to come to the clinic for help. When she barely got to the clinic in her condition, she said that she was not going to open a sick leave for me, given the fact that I had asked for a sick leave for only one day, that is, the very day when I was ill. She stated that my symptoms were not suitable for giving me sick leave because my temperature was 36.9 at the time of the appointment. She said she could only give me a certificate, but my place of work required a sick leave (even if it was for one day). I asked her about it, but she categorically refused, which suggests conclusions about her qualifications. I can safely conclude that she qualifies only "in temperatures," because she ignored my remaining symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, diarrhea, and heaviness in her stomach.
I called a doctor (DIANA SERGEEVNA PUGACHEVA) to my house because I was unable to come to the clinic with symptoms such as: fever 38 at night and 37 in the afternoon, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, severe weakness, dizziness. The doctor came and told me to come to the clinic for help. I had to go to the clinic in such a terrible condition. Upon arrival, she categorically refused to issue a one-day sick leave for her place of work, justifying this by the lack of fever, which indicates the incompetence of DIANA SERGEEVNA PUGACHEVA, which gives every reason to believe that the doctor is insufficiently qualified, which is guided by the only symptom of opening a sick leave for one day, namely high fever during admission. Next, I made it clear to her that I needed a sick leave upon request at my place of work, but the only thing she could give me was a certificate of a doctor's visit, which was not suitable for my place of work.