My father lives in Phowa, who is 88 years old, he is hard of hearing. He is always given due attention when visiting the polyclinic in Phowa. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the staff of the polyclinic, especially Shpakovskaya Zh.A., who works at the registry for the human attitude, understanding and care. Thank you very much
Many doctors come to their workplace late, secondly, doctors receive patients when they want and often out of turn, thirdly, the registry sends them to such an office, but that office does not want to study / examine the patient and this office is transferred to another, from another to a third, etc.
On June 28, 2024, I was at a doctor's appointment with Dotsenko, a therapist in the red zone, a lady with a lot of experience, it would seem, no.
He says you are therapeutically healthy, this is healthy, I will check on other 499 employees on Monday, it is necessary that the clinic always has patients. In order to close the hospital fee, it was necessary to know the color of the patient's snot, for this I was sent for a nose scan, then I had to leave the queue in the red zone again for the second shift and again get an appointment with a therapist, the result is that I lie like a corpse coughing I can't my throat hurts temperature 35 ,for that I therapeutically I'm healthy, but I have a cough like the last tuberculosis patient.But the assistant professor was more interested in the color of the snot, and the gynecologist's examination, and I wanted to tell her when I would have snot below the waist, I definitely would not go to the 2nd polyclinic. I will check on Monday how many people I will infect on Monday.
I know how to find an "approach" to Dr. Dotsenko, but honestly, I had no desire, for some reason I didn't even have the strength to argue, I was so therapeutically weak, I just smiled..."to the associate professor" Dotsenko
I had to visit an ophthalmologist and the nearest appointment was only in early September 2024. Due to my departure in September, I decided to apply for an appointment, which was refused to me). Even the appointment is only from 14 to 16h. There is no time to receive people, but there is enough time to run from office to office.
There was a desire to write to the complaint book, based only on the reviews here, it is unlikely that this will affect the work of the staff
The traumatologist,,surprised,,! 01.02 the mezinets on the leg was broken. In the morning, a picture was taken in the emergency room, they provided assistance and sent to a traumatologist to open a hospital. I didn't get to the traumatologist, the appointment time was over. I went to the therapist. It was opened there without question. On the 6th, a control snapshot. Doing. From 8.15 to 14.30 I wait in line and, lo and behold, I get to the traumatologist. The miracle doctor, after looking at the picture, makes a diagnosis, everything is fine with you, I don't see a fracture, we close the hospital. I say, I can't walk, it hurts. Grinding his teeth with an ironic comment: "Okay. But on Friday, do it again like today and I will close the sick leave already." The doctor didn't even examine the leg. I didn't ask anything. How is it??? At 15.40 I get to the traumatologist in Family and Health, take a second picture, the conclusion is a fracture. Well, that's how it is! We draw conclusions)
I can say one thing: earn money and go to competent doctors in medical centers. In this clinic, only paperwork and statistics are important. When the doctor assumes that the patient has pneumonia, prescribes appropriate treatment, but the hospital does not open, because there is no temperature at the time of examination. And in general, there are a lot of questions for the medical staff of this clinic.
The registry is clear.The wardrobe is clear.The temperature regime is moderate.Cleaning is done! Queues. Yes, they are available.This is the same as comparing the cash register in a store. Everyone needs everything.As well as the preposition "I'm just asking", "I'm just for a minute", "I'll take this or that"...Yes, I belong to this category!Because I really go in for a minute to get some kind of statement, seal or notify about something .... And, here's about the reception - there are coupons if there is no desire to queue... If you still had to stand in line, I wish you only PATIENCE! Are the specialists not competent?Then why come?You can just come and say I consider you an incompetent specialist and now I have found a competent specialist....I've never even heard of it. Doctors are also people, they are not SUPERHUMANS to whom you come and just from their look you should become healthy.... They're doing their best...This treatment did not go well - they are choosing another one...I'm not a fan of sick days at all - it was enough for me to come to a specialist - to complain about this or that and follow the recommendations!
So the medical staff - go ahead and only go ahead!
The reception staff is very pleasant and positive.
It is almost impossible to get to some specialists. For example, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist.
There are always long queues.
It was necessary to donate blood from a vein, so I was in line 25 at 9:20. And they stay up to 10.
Therefore, if possible, it is faster to get to the paid centers.
There are not enough specialists. It can be seen that no one in the clinic wants to work for such salaries. You have to sign up for paid medical centers.
Where not to rush, there's a queue! You sit for 2.3 hours. And where by appointment, there is no one and no one will accept you, even if you die. The schedule is beneficial for yourself, not for the patient. They work for 3 hours, and the rest of the time they mow cabbage in the paid coinette. They also raise their salaries! As one smart person used to say, "I will pay you 100 rubles each, and you will steal the rest.
In principle, everything is the same as everywhere, but sometimes there is a queue, there is not a very big queue. There are many young specialists. As for me, in other clinics, everything is sadder than here.
The queues are large, there is little space for a large number of people. Doctors are normal, but unhurried. As I understand it, there is no computer database of patients, so I have to constantly take a card. You also have to take all the tests yourself. A typical polyclinic of a district center.
You can die in the queue. Especially to a neurologist. Moreover, there are zero neurologists in this clinic. To get to any therapist without problems and without an appointment. The attitude of registrars towards people is surprising that they smoke, they have such a strong nervous system, sometimes even feel sorry for them.
People writing bad reviews - I appeal to you - in all the cases described in the reviews, you yourself are to blame, when you come to see a doctor, you try to skip the queue and this creates confusion and confusion. Think not only about yourself, but also about the people around you, be kinder. Sometimes you do not ask the doctors to do what is possible, do not forget that the doctor is also a person and he may have emotions (caused by your behavior). I visited various specialists and found understanding everywhere and provided the necessary help everywhere. Thank you, Doctors, for your work, God grant you Health and patience in your difficult work!
The most terrible clinic and staff, along with the head, who does not even know which medications need to be prescribed.
When dealing with symptoms of coronavirus (fever, loss of sense of smell, terrible cough), it was said that there was no indication to take the test. Come tomorrow, we will open the hospital, because it turned out that they closed the hospital for one disease, and they did not want to open the second one right away. On the next visit, they did not take the coronavirus test again, despite the fact that I am a kindergarten worker, and no one informed me that I had to pass the VCC commission, I had to return and wait for the commission. I was scheduled to come in a day and it's just a nightmare. I had to stay in the clinic from 8 to 15.00, 4 doctors listened, they also measured the temperature (temperature 37.6), did not write out a prescription for the medicine that they themselves prescribed. Ask me why I didn't take the coronavirus test, despite the fact that more than one doctor didn't refer me to it. The result: no one was really prescribed treatment, they did not take a test, and they did not give a referral for CT with a persistent cough. And again for an appointment in 1 day, you might think that something will improve during this time. The Ministry of Health take action. It's just the most terrible clinic.
A terrible clinic called an ambulance 1 day ago .. The temperature was 39.6.. The ambulance has arrived and says why didn't you come to us.. in the morning, I called a doctor at home, I came and started yelling that I had no time to go home that I couldn't get an injection in my callus and that's it .. the next day I went to the red zone, stood for 2 hours, the doctor examined me and said that I lied and specially came up with everything so as not to study.I explain to her that I called an ambulance, she tells me that I did not call anything, there is not even a note and says go for a walk.. go wherever you want, no one will believe you... The staff is terrible , both doctors and administration .. even to get the same statement , you need to spend so much nerves .. AVOID IT
The most terrible place. I try not to go in, but I had to get an extract.... After 5 minutes, they gave the card at the reception and sent it to the pre-hospital. Everything is cool there for 3 minutes and I went out, but..... I need to sign some incomprehensible therapist. What for??? I still can't figure it out. The doctor said that everything is in turn, and the seal is not so simple. I waited 1.5 hours to come in later and she put her squiggle and stamped it. Is this not idealism??? Why then pre-medical, etc. complete insanity in medicine.
Treshnyak, if possible, do not go there, I sat in line for an hour and a half, my turn came, they closed for lunch, then they started calling by appointment, I did not get to the doctor
Neither repairs nor innovations can make the work of the institution satisfactory. Everything is a mess - in the distribution of coupons, in the organization of patient care. And when the pandemic hit, it became simply unbearable. There are so many people in a separate annex for patients with fever to receive, that there is nowhere to go!!! So even if you don't have an infection, you will!!!!
The work of the Red Zone is not thought out. Everyone with signs of SARS is sent to room 107, even without fever. The appointment is conducted by one doctor. People sit for hours.....
The 2nd polyclinic is the most miserable institution, judging by my logic, it is impossible to go to a trauma doctor, even if you spend the night in a corridor, disgusting medicine.
There are terrible queues, there are not enough doctors of narrow specialization. People in the queue are swearing . Doctors work like horses to the bone, I'm sorry for them
On the basis of complaints, my grandmother was diagnosed with intestinal inflammation without tests and prescribed medications for 70p. Doctors are so dumb that I advise you to check any information.
I always go for pills. There are no complaints, no one has ever been rude. Here you are writing bad staff, etc. You've probably never been to Kotlovets, there's something there with something. Thank God I'm in this clinic now.
I sit from 9 a.m. to 20 p.m. this is the norm for a polyclinic, that is, a polyclinic in a city hospital where all the super staff and waiting room are.
I'm shocked! Rude people from the nurse to the managers. I apply extremely rarely. But every time I come across rudeness, rudeness and unprofessionalism.