The attitude of the specialists at the registry leaves much to be desired. They were recorded to the local therapist, called back from the registry and explained that the doctor was not working that day, they could rewrite it another day. As a result, we overwritten it, we arrived at the appointed time , and as it turned out, the doctor worked the first shift. They couldn't explain exactly how it happened. Let's assume that the program crashes. I would like to ask you to be more careful, it is difficult for elderly patients to get to the clinic, and it is very important to get to the right time and at the right moment for an appointment.
Our clinic is super, it is not difficult to take a coupon, if questions arise, everything is always solved, pediatricians for children and therapists are adults, and all specialists are good and responsive!!!
I was cured, thank you. In the 24th office, the best doctors and a nurse will always cheer you up, and most importantly, they will prescribe the right treatment. Queues are decent , as everywhere else , in the season of illness