Good day everyone! I had to apply for certain medical services for a fee. I was in Stolbtsovskaya CRH for the first time, I was surprised, because I had never seen anything further than the Dzerzhinsky hospital and the Fanipol polyclinic, there was nothing to compare it with. I know that honey.The staff of the Dzerzhinsky district is doing everything possible and impossible for their patients, but the possibilities are limited. However, the organization of the work of the Stolbtsovskaya CRH itself is at a higher level, there is an electronic order for coupons for today and tomorrow (the presence is visible on the screen in the lobby, by the way, there were free places for the trauma surgeon and dentists), there were no queues at the reception desk, at the reception for specialist doctors and fluorography, polite and benevolent medical registrars, there are no questions for doctors at all (clearly, specifically, even humorously, professionally). The building is clean and tidy, the elevator (two) are working (!), therefore it is unacceptable to compare this institution with the "valley of death". I would like every district center to have such a CRH, and not what we have now in Dzerzhinsk and Fanipol, the so-called "satellites of the capital." After being there, I flew to the moon, but I had to come back. This is my opinion, I don't impose it on anyone. For the emotions, I apologize in advance.
На працягу апошніх некалькі гадоў цяжка хварэў наш бацька,Рослік Іван Паўлавіч, інвалід 1групы.Нам неаднаразова прыходзілася звяртацца за медыцынскай дапамогай да ўрача -уролага Бандаровіча А А.. Аляксандр Аляксандравіч вылучаецца сваёй міласэрнасцю ў адносінах да іншых.Ен праявіў найлепшыя чалавечыя якасці -дабро,спагаду,свой прафесіяналізм у нялегкай справе.Гэта чалавек і лекар ад Бога ,які разумее свайго пацыента і робіць усё неабходнае ,каб той не губляў надзею.Хочацца пажадаць паважанаму Аляксандру Аляксандравічу моцнага здароўя, поспехаў у яго нялёгкай справе,сямейнага дабрабыту,удзячных і дабразычлівых пацыентаў.
My impressions of this hospital are twofold.The emergency room worked well at night - it received a patient with acute pain, immediately took the necessary tests, examination by the surgeon on duty, X-ray, repeated examination by the doctor, hospitalization. I would like to express my gratitude to the shift on duty. However, window frames with handles removed cause strange sensations, how to open a window in the absence of an air conditioner is the question? The local "nutritionist" is apparently very far from dietetics, I write in quotation marks because I do not know what definition to give to a person who constantly feeds people after laparoscopic cholecystectomy with PEARL porridge!? Is there really a shortage of potatoes in Belarus in the autumn!?
Thank you very much, I contacted the emergency room at night from 06 to 07.07.2024, they quickly and very efficiently provided assistance, advised on further treatment. It is light and spacious, a comfortable waiting area, cool new and modern dressing rooms, responsive staff, thank you very much again. 🙏
I would like to express my great gratitude to surgeon Giraevsky, a doctor with golden hands and a bright mind: he provided surgical assistance at the reception and also suggested who to contact with my other disease, not according to his profile. Thank you, Doctor, for your participation in the patient's troubles! I wish you all the best on your professional path!
There is a hospital-there are no specialists! The attitude is terrible, they are rude at the post, the head is young, the diagnosis is not correct immediately, they did not take all the tests, there are no devices.. It's just that my mom died in the hospital in 4 days. I didn't have time to transport it to Minsk - there was definitely a chance there .The autopsy was done WITHOUT MY CONSENT!
According to the stories of relatives, there is always such an attitude towards people.
There are doctors from God, there is-God is with him, and there is - God forbid.Surgeon Giraevsky refers specifically to the latter.He diagnoses, sends for pictures, prescribes treatment, and after the patient comes complaining that the treatment does not help, he begins to hysteria that this disease is not in his profile.I would like to ask, are doctors your professional duty to treat or MUTILATE???
They quickly examined the injury, X-rayed it, drew up a conclusion, and sent it to recover. I would like more advice on the necessary actions for proper treatment, to open a sick leave, so as not to go for it separately, but it is normal for urgent care.
On Sunday, I had to bring my mother to the emergency room with a pelvic contusion. In the waiting room, the nurses politely talked, invited a surgeon for an examination, and took pictures. The surgeon carefully reviewed the pictures, said that from his point of view there were no cracks and fractures and recommended contacting a traumatologist on Monday morning. They gave me an anesthetic injection. And that's it. I asked if it was possible to take something for pain, to smear the place of injury.. the doctor gave some recommendations for this... In the morning, as we were told, we arrived at the traumatologist at 8.00. and then some kind of nightmare ....
At first the doctor said that he would take a live turn after 14.00. we live 16 km from the Columns and there was no opportunity to go home and then return. We waited until 14.00. then the doctor came out and said that he would not accept us at all. Go to the surgeon, they say. And why should I go to the surgeon, if it was the surgeon who sent me to the traumatologist in the emergency room yesterday?!?!?!?!?
They send one to the other. 8 hours of waiting, we got into the office for an examination with a scandal. I looked at the pictures, the trauma nurse (unfortunately, she did not remember the name) did not at all: she uses obscene language when communicating with patients. I understand that the influx of people is large, but this is your job after all!!!!!
The doctor's answer: smear yourself with something, drink some kind of painkiller. 8 hours of waiting!!!! It's just a nightmare!!!
I give 2 stars only for the fact that we were quickly denied help in the emergency department.
It's a strange hospital, there are doctors from God, but there are few of them, but there are also those who sat in their pants at the institute. A particularly cool trauma surgeon, maybe he doesn't work anymore, but he seems to have overslept the anatomy, because he sent me for an X-ray with a fractured thumb on my right foot with the diagnosis to make a gram of the thumb of the right hand, which baffled the radiography room employee, especially when I began to take off my shoes: she asks why you take off your shoes, you have a finger on your right hand. I had to answer that I walk on bones and my feet are on top of me. Complete nonsense.
Dear Inessa Sergeevna!
Members of the family of Oleg Viktorovich Yanchur, who is ill, turn to you and your employees with great human gratitude.
Our husband, father, received deep burns of the II degree of the ankle joints on January 08, 2024. In a state of shock, we took him to the emergency room.
Since January 09, he has been receiving treatment from Veronika Anatolyevna Starovoitova's surgeon. Medical care is provided by nurses Olga Mikhailovna Demenchonok and Yulia Ivanovna Ksenevich.
Taking into account the technical conditions (lack of an elevator), thanks to you, Inessa Sergeevna, optimal opportunities have been created for the implementation of medical care for the patient in the emergency department. We are immensely grateful to you personally for this order for patient care on the 1st (first) floor. It was convenient for us to transport him to the CRH for the procedures.
We were convinced in reality that both the surgeon and the nurses are specialists from God and work by vocation. Such a qualified approach and an exceptionally human attitude are rare today.
Thanks to qualified treatment and deep humanity, the patient is on the mend.
Your medical staff are able to treat with deeds and words, restore the health of patients.
Our family wishes each of you good health, only positive feedback from cured patients, family and women's happiness.
Once again, thank you all very much and bow low!
With deep respect and
Yanchur Tatyana Petrovna and
son – student Yanchur Alexander.
In general, it is an ordinary district hospital, although an interdistrict trauma center is organized on its basis. Wide ramp to the reception area. The admission department itself is well organized, the areas of care are highlighted in colors, there is an electronic queue for planned patients.
It's a terrible place!
On the phone, they are rude and hang up. Regarding paid services, they have the same answer to everything - I do not know
I wanted to register at the polyclinic with a Minsk residence permit in order to be served here . Came. There are 6 people sitting at the reception desk and none of them pays attention to us . They are sitting in Viber and texting .
We stood for 10 minutes . She turned around and left .
I'd rather go to Minsk than be served here !
I express my gratitude to Sister Grib Oksana Ivanovna, for her sensitive attitude, professionalism, attentive and kind attitude in service.
Thank you for your hard work and human qualities!
I wish you good health, professional growth and more goodness!
Sincerely, Anastasia S.
The vast majority of residents of the region of the Village district hospital with great joy accepted the appointment (in fact, return) to the position of chief physician of Burzhimskaya E.A. An unfair official decision deprived our healthcare institution of a professional, attentive and sensitive doctor for six long years. We are sincerely grateful to the chief physician of the Stolbtsovskaya CRH, Dudarevich I. S., for his assistance in restoring the honest name of Elena Antonovna and for the opportunity for the doctor from God to work again in the institution to which she devoted her life.
We wish the staff and specialists of the hospital success in life and in their professional activities.
Unfortunately, everything is not so simple at the reception.
First, you need to wait until the women discuss all their personal topics, only after that they may tell you what to do and where to go.
This is generally a separate topic, there are not enough letters and text here..No and no...Something has changed in the interior, but the same system has appeared inside...Not a changeable, shortage of personnel...sadness
It is impossible to get through to the children's registry from the word at all. It feels like they take off the tubes, put them on the table and drink coffee themselves, especially after lunch it is unrealistic to make an appointment with a child.
I express my gratitude to the staff!
We got sensitive and wonderful specialists in the reception department and dentistry!
They provided an ambulance, I didn't even feel the injections, in a word, they are professionals in their field!
Good repair.
They wished you good health!
It's nice!
A huge building, you can get lost in a maze. Prices for paid services are much cheaper than in other cities, you can get examined for pennies compared to Minsk. Sufficiently qualified specialists. You can even make an appointment with doctors not for a month in advance, which is now even the case in many clinics in Minsk, but for the near future.In general, I recommend it for a visit, I think that for a small town and district this clinic is a real gift. In general, it is better not to get sick, take care of your physical and mental health.
From the positive - modern renovation. I dealt with a hospital, a therapeutic department: elderly patients are not paid attention from the word at all. Only when you turn on the offensive on all fronts begin to move.
Rude. It feels like I came to their house. There are always no coupons. There are constant queues everywhere, and if you are on a commission or to the dentist, then you need to sign up for 3 months before!!!
I express my deep gratitude to Ulasik Cheslava Mikhailovna for her sensitive and careful attitude, excellent organizational skills. Thank you for having such SPECIALISTS in our medicine. Sincerely, Griboyedov I.A.
Disgusting attitude! they prescribe medicines without giving out a prescription. They tell me off for coming late, you see. This is a ridiculous drama!!! they work from 8-20:00, and when they arrive at 19:00, the doctor says "what if I left?". I assure you, dear doctor, the head physician would have accepted🤗 you are showing demonstrative disregard for the patient. They close sick days without assessing the health of a person, because there is a protocol. Where is the objective assessment of the patient's condition? They did not assign blood to donate, nor urine, to a person with a history of cancer!
No wonder they say about this place that everyone dies there. Last year, our loved one died in this place. It feels disgusting. Indifference to living people.
I hope as few people as possible will end up in your hands
We would like to express our great gratitude and low bow for your professionalism in the treatment of our mother and aunt Gulyai Galina Alexandrovna, who was treated at the Central Hospital in Stolbny in the infectious diseases department and the department of anesthesiology and intensive care. We thank the doctors of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, nurses and junior staff (from August 27 to September 01), the attending physician of the infectious diseases department, Olga Viktorovna Ermolenko, nurses and junior staff for their professionalism and attentive attitude. We sincerely wish you health and well-being in all spheres of life. With gratitude, children and nephews.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the attending physician Pupynin I.V. and all the medical staff : Dovnar T.V., Vyazhevich E., Kulak Yu.I., Beil I.N., Chichikailo L.P., Ivashko A.B., Klyuchnik M.A., Bychkot N.N., Boyko N.P., Noek N.A., Shchetko T.A., DovnarT.V., Raiko Z.F.,
for human attitude, conscientious work, support and care. Nutrition, care, treatment, attention at the highest level. People with great professionalism and a sensitive heart work here.
God grant you good health. Take care of yourself.
Sincerely, Makarevich Ivan Kazimirovich.
A state institution, what can I say here. The most impolite employees, starting with orderlies, ending with doctors.
The only thing that pleases is the repair.
An ordinary polyclinic. The staff is different. Someone is a very good specialist and treats people well, while someone sends them anywhere, but only if they don't do anything. You have to wait even if you arrived at the appointed time on a ticket.
I would change the entire staff of doctors, and of course the first one is the head of the hospital, because the fish rots from the head. A terrible hospital and the same medical staff. Doctors are not qualified, doctors without work experience (interns) which are practiced on living people. These are the doctors who killed a relative close to me in two years. At first, very "qualified and experienced" surgeons pierced the lung in several places, pumping out fluid for pneumonia and the person practically remained disabled, then experienced long treatment and agony and remained unable to work. Many thanks to the surgeons. And in October of this year, a man was taken to a wonderful hospital by ambulance, and left the morgue in a hearse. Four days of intensive care, and then they transferred to therapy and calmly stuffed a person with pills, and the person got worse and worse, no one returned him back to the intensive care unit, no one informed his relatives that he was dying and it got worse, when I called and asked about the condition, they replied that everything was normal, but the person was dying and They watched my husband die. The doctor on duty was clearly a post-college student. What kind of help could she provide? Obviously not any.There is also a cold-blooded attitude, callousness, unqualified doctors of this hospital, negligence, disregard for the patient's health. How long will your unqualified doctors and interns practice on living people??????
Recently, she was in our district hospital for a month with covid. Very good attitude to patients, wonderful staff at all levels, attentive, knowledgeable doctors, excellent nutrition.
I would like to express my gratitude to Anastasia Vladimirovna Belmach, a general practitioner, for her professionalism and attentive attitude. I had to apply even without a coupon and the doctor always provided qualified assistance. I wish you good health and good luck!
I want to express my great gratitude
dentist Svetlana Vladimirovna Kuchur for her professionalism in tooth extraction and polite attitude to the patient!
Thanks to cardiologist Olga Nikolaevna Verevka and her nurse Olga Pyatrasovna for their precise work and attentive attitude. Everything is fast, on time, without delay.
I want to express my gratitude to the traumatologist ALEXANDER NIKOLAEVICH POLYN, I wish there were more such doctors! He is attentive, conscientious, and knows how to feel someone else's pain. May God grant him health, patience, and success in his noble work!
Everything is paid, and even prescriptions for expensive drugs.... There are almost no normal doctors left... Nurses work for doctors...
See original
Виктория Валевач
Level 8 Local Expert
November 24, 2020
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Kashtalyan Svetlana Mikhailovna (1st precinct). From the whole Valevac family.
Many thanks from the bottom of our hearts to the wonderful doctor. We sincerely thank you for your efforts, diligence, professionalism, kindness of heart and great attention to our dearest person.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you to always remain a respected person, the best doctor and a wonderful person of your happiness and high vocation.
Thank you, thank you.
You are a professional in your field.
The disregard of some doctors, the emphasis on the beauty of the premises (this is also important, of course, but ...), and not on people's health, outdated equipment, and a lot of things that completely discourage the desire to visit this institution!