If you go shopping, then, of course, it's shabby.Some kind of gap between the goods..
But, here's the product itself -beer, gone..
We are used to a different one, bottled on beer giants, but here are simple flavors with slightly yeast tones and a short shelf life!
I'm surprised. It's a masterpiece. In addition to just the products of the plant, raw materials for self-preparation of drinks are sold. There is a beer with a 3-day shelf life.
Not bad for a local point, but that's only in the absence of competition. A wary woman does not own and cannot own, due to her mentality, all the nuances of the beer menu. And why should I complain about the poor woman?.. Let's have a beer).
Well... It's not all that clear. I was not familiar with the Polotsk brewing art before. Therefore, my assessments are bright and relatively unbiased. "Polotsk golden" is quite interesting, moderately bitter (I love bitter), but there is not enough gassing. Overall, considering its price, the beer is wonderful. This is the beer that was forgotten about making in Russia 20 years ago.
Zhiguli was saddened, but, apparently, against the background of Polotsk. Looking at the price, you realize that it is still head and shoulders higher than all the Lada from the Russian Federation