Until you pass the honey. examination, you will die of old age. To make an appointment, come on Friday at 3 a.m. and take a queue, have a cross with icons with you, by the way, we only have an appointment in a month and if the doctors are not on vacation.
Crowded parking lot. You come with a ticket and sit in line with those who don't have it. There are practically no advantages in pre-registration. To get to a neurologist with a small child, you had to make an appointment a month in advance and skip those who are out of line, who are called by the doctor himself. The same story applies to the surgeon. With or without a ticket, you'll still be sitting in line.
A good and the only children's clinic in the city. Parking spaces are rarely available during the day. There is a ramp for strollers and inside there is a place in front of the stairs where they can be left. There is a wardrobe. There is a small buffet on the 3rd floor. Oxygen cocktails used to be on sale.
As in any medical institution, there are constant queues to get a certificate that the child is healthy, you need to sit in the same queue with him with those who are ill, senility
Not so long ago, there was a problem with the electronic registry.It was not possible to take the coupon, because when typing the full name, they wrote no to this database.I had to personally find out the cause and eliminate it.
There are huge queues, you can't sign up for some doctors, you have to wait in line for weeks, there are both friendly and good-natured workers among the medical staff, and not so many.