поддерживает живот во время беременности и в послеродовый период,
снимает нагрузку с пояснично-крестцового отдела позвоночника, уменьшает боли,
предохраняет ткани передней брюшной стенки от растяжения,
обеспечивает правильное положение плода в матке
43.45 Br1 pcs.
Бандаж голеностопа "Польза", 2002
стабилизирует голеностопный сустав и связочный аппарат стопы, обеспечивая уверенность в движении и покое
фиксирует область лодыжек, поддерживает и разгружает переднюю таранно-малоберцовую связку
ограничивает инверсию/эверсию голеностопного сустава
To begin with, I needed to buy compression stockings from a phlebologist before the operation.
The doctor filled out the letterhead of the Orthos company, which contained all the necessary information to buy the underwear I needed.
In the company store, when purchasing the right product, a discount of -5% was provided, but the prices for the products seemed very high to me from 180 to 250 rubles for stockings and I decided to look for other options.
By chance, I came across a Belarusian manufacturer of Benefits on the Internet, which manufactures medical devices.
After studying the prices and assortment, I went to the company store at 44 Kalvariyskaya Street.
A small cozy room with all the necessary assortment, from compression underwear to orthopedic pillows and tonometers.
A pleasant, attentive saleswoman listened to me and began to take measurements.According to my parameters, you could choose stockings in two colors, black or beige.The choice fell on the second option.
As a result, compression underwear cost me 73 Belarusian rubles, not 180 and above.
A good store with a very wide range of medical products, from insoles to tonometers. Polite and experienced sellers. I can definitely recommend this store.
There are quite a lot of health products. Corsets, supports, and more. Even if something is out of stock, the friendly cashier will always offer you to order separately with a notice of arrival.