The master of Housing and Communal Services-9 Tolok Vasilina Vasilyevna,systematically violates the law, exceeds official authority, is rude, does not provide an identity document and from which organization, refuses to provide.Moreover, I have repeatedly applied on line 115 for the elimination of unsanitary conditions in the basement, humidity, as well as disinfection in the basement and entrance of 46.4 entrances, but Zheu-9, as well as master Tolok Vasilina Vasilyevna, ignore these repeated requests, rude in response.Moreover, zheu-9 was carried out, allegedly disinfection of the basement, by chlorine liquid lime and dry,dead cats and kittens were found in the basement, corpse flies fly, a fetid smell everywhere,
garbage is scattered everywhere in the basement, high humidity,zheu-9 is refused on repeated requests, on line 115,to fulfill the disadvantages.Please to the administration of Pervomaisky district, take appropriate measures to Tolok Vasilina Vasilyevna, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Ужасная организация! Горячая линия работает формально, обратной связи нет. Зам. дмректора Маркова К.Г. (она же Голуб) при общении позволяет себе недопустмый тон , а также высказывания. Обратилась с жалобой на зловонный запах от соседских котов, на что Маркова (Голуб) ответила, что от её собачки тоже есть запах и ничего страшного. Вот и весь ответ! Формализм полный, не хотят работать и решать вопросы.