Большой ассортимент оптических товаров в широком ценовом диапазоне. Линзы однодневные или плановой замены (в том числе и при дальнозоркости), астигматические, мультифокальные, цветные, оттеночные.
I have been visiting an optician and a doctor there since the 21st year, everything is fine, the record is convenient, the doctor is good, they select very accurately, the cost of visiting a doctor with selection (for the second time) is very pleasant and the service is excellent 👍
I'm 73. When I left Loev, it was 7-40 on the clock.I got glasses-and for reading and reading at 12-40-cool-well done, a nice cozy corner and most importantly, these people are very sincere.Give it to you
The God of health.I paid-but how-expensive-no.