An excellent bank, I have been using cards for more than 5 years. If you have any questions, I always contact technical support, Telegram, they answer immediately, just.. But when changing the number (to receive SMS), I had to visit a bank branch... To change the phone number to another one, I had to sit in the bank for 1.5 hours. The speed of customer service leaves much to be desired, during this time a queue of 15 people formed, many left immediately. + I would like to mention the employees who are consultants - none of them are consultants. Everyone can walk back and forth around the hall, but to help those who do not know how to use an infokiosk, pay for something "I do not know", "wait, I will clarify now". Why hire such employees?!
Just come and die in line. For the third time in 2.5 years in this department, it is always more than an hour. This time I came the day before yesterday, there was a queue of three people, one operator who works, stood in line and waited for 01:10. Life is too short to use the services of Priorbank. When most of the world's banks are already online and do not have offices, Vitebsk has to live life in a queue.
I came to receive the card and when it was my turn, I refused it and closed all accounts.
We looked in the afternoon at Thu, there is an electronic queue, we spent 29 minutes in it (that is, almost half an hour, Karl ...). We needed to clarify the issue of the legal entity, only one "window" works for it. As a result, it turned out that the conditions are not very favorable, let's go to another bank.