They asked to meet an ambulance with a resuscitation kit, but no one met them at all. Then they forgot to turn on the oxygen to the person, he almost suffocated, his relatives noticed in time. The resuscitator said everything is OK, the patient is stable. A few hours later, they were urgently taken from the ward to the intensive care unit .
2-gkb, the Emergency Department, because it is not Planned.Ambulances bring people in need of help here:ie seriously ill bedridden, and with injuries after the holidays, and with hernias, they are taken from dachas, various patients are accepted, specialists are examined immediately here on the 1st floor, doctors are competent,attentive,young and older, experienced.On the right at the entrance, a certificate, a window, if you feel bad, then immediately come here with complaints, and already the medical registrar will get a card and send it to the doctor's office
Excellent doctors, good diagnosticians, a quick examination, I supervised the examination process of a close relative and accompanied everything. A young, polite doctor carefully prescribed, analyzed, and patiently listened to the elderly man. I prescribed a lot of tests and helped in a timely manner. Excellent specialists in ultrasound and X-ray. Attentive nurses and nannies. We quickly and accurately diagnosed the young hockey player and saved his life by intervening in time and not letting him just go home after the match.