30 minЭто инъекция токсина, который вызывает блокировку активности мышцы, ответственной за мимические морщины, на несколько месяцев. Ботоксом можно заблокировать морщины на лбу, в межбровье, под глазами и на носу.
18500 ₸
Нормализация обмена веществ
1 pcs.L-карнитин, альфа-липовая кислота
14500 ₸
Диспорт 1 зона
30 minДиспорт, также как и Ботокс - ботулотоксин типа А, но страна-производитель и бренды - разные. Диспорт производят во Франции. У двух препаратов разная технология производства. Эффект от Диспорта более стойкий, так как его требуется в 2-2,5 раза больше
A wonderful clinic! I've been walking for more than two years and I'm always happy. Polite staff, cozy interior, affordable prices. All the doctors here are real professionals and literally saved my skin.
I'm 38. It's time to visit a cosmetologist regularly and I wrote to the ProFace clinic to come for a consultation and choose procedures and care, since I don't understand this myself yet. I got to an experienced cosmetologist Batima Kanieva . The right selection of procedures and now my face is already pleasing me in the reflection. I have undergone a course of procedures and continue to visit regularly. The price and quality are fully consistent! Many thanks to my doctor for his professionalism! 🔥❤️👍🫶
I have been visiting this clinic for a long time! The staff is always polite, the doctors are very competent! The prices for the services are very acceptable! Thanks to the doctor Batima Kanieva for telling us in detail about the procedure! And the procedure itself was comfortable! Now I will try only to her)