Мойка днища на подьемнике. Моем с химией и горячей водой. Профессиональная мойка днища авто, незаменимая услуга после наших "соленых зим" + бесплатный осмотр авто на необходимость проведения ТО на антикор
50 Br
Мойка двигателя снизу на подъемнике
Мойка двигателя на подьемнике. Моем с химией и горячей водой.
35 Br
Антикоррозийная обработка авто
Полный комплекс (демонтаж защит защит/подкрылок, мойка, сушка, обработка, техническая мойка)
Гарантия, используем премиумные материалы Dinitrol, лучшее качество за разумные деньги.
Обработку выполняем как в комплексе, так и частично.
В полный ко...
I have been choosing an anticorrosion center for the Belgee X50 for a long time and, according to the set of characteristics, I consider PROFICOR to be the best result. All the materials used for DINITROL processing are from the official representative office in the Republic of Belarus. Everything is according to technology, a thick layer.
DINITROL 4941 on the bottom and arches.
DINITROL 7225 body cleaner.
For better protection against rust, the muffler, heat-resistant shields and screens are partially removed, this operation is rarely performed even at famous anticorrosion centers, namely, the Georgian "Rusty" disease may appear under them. In the morning at 9:00 I gave the car away, received an order voucher with the amount. In the evening at 16:30 I picked up the finished car. They handed out a receipt, an act of completed work with a seal, a color warranty certificate with a seal. As a result, the price coincided with the declared value. All stages of the work are photographed and sent to the customer, where each invested ruble is clearly visible. With the money saved, I additionally ordered sound insulation of all fenders, lockers in the arches and I advise everyone to do it, the noise in the cabin has become noticeably less. In general, I liked everything, but the exit from PROFICOR is a dirt road of 200 meters , so this section of the road is blunt 4-5 km / hour. The thick protective layer 4941 has the reverse side of the coin, it dries a little longer, 1-3 days, keep in mind. The smell is moderate and in comparison with bitumen-rubber mastics from the Russian Federation, Dinitrol almost does not smell. Thank you for the wonderful work and efforts.
I brought a car from Europe, decided, without waiting for winter, to do an anti-corrosion treatment. I signed up, arrived in the morning on the appointed date, left the car, picked it up in the evening. They process it efficiently, make a photo report before and after. The car was returned clean, without unnecessary traces of anti-theft on the paintwork. They gave a three-year warranty. A very pleasant impression!
I did the anti-corrosion treatment of the Polo sedan. I signed up in advance. I drove the car the day before. Everything was done on time. They called back when they were ready. I thought that I would not have time to pick up the car before the end of the working hours of the service, which the guys promised to wait for. However, I managed to get close. I am happy with my work. Everything was explained and a full photo report was sent. They gave a guarantee. I have already recommended this service to my friends.