The seller surprised me with her indifference to her work. They came with their daughter to buy a tool and other "things" for studying. The seller did not advise anything, they could not even pick up scissors, because she took one from the window and locked the window with a key. I asked about discounts, to which I received an answer that discounts are only 3% on electrical goods, and in general, they close in September and they will return the goods to the warehouse (I asked why not interest the customer, and not return the goods, she said she didn't care). As a result, we bought only 4 combs, a curling iron and a negligee. In the end, they gave us a discount of 6 rubles (instead of 326 rubles, they paid 320), but we will go somewhere else to buy the rest of the "stuff" (and this is around 1500 rubles, you lost revenue because of such an indifferent seller.