It was necessary to rewind the electric motor from the AVD to 380V. They said bring it in 3 days. We will do it. Three days stretched into three weeks, with constant calls to the director, who every day has a new excuse. I pick up the engine, check if everything has been checked, says yes everything is fine. We begin to assemble the AVD, find out that the stator is shortening on the body. I'm taking them back, they rewind the whole engine again (i.e. they didn't check anything). I take the engine away, they say it won't work, they say you need to change the cover, the bearing is broken. The next day we checked this bearing ourselves, everything is OK with it. And then we notice that the entire stator is bent, it was stupidly hammered, the body was not heated normally. So that you understand, the rotor will not climb into the stator, such damage. We don't know what to do yet, go to them again, it's nonsense.
I strongly do not recommend contacting them!