Электронасосы центробежные погружные типа Гном предназначены для откачивания загрязненных вод температурой до 35ºС, исполнение Тр – до 60ºС плотностью до 1100 кг/м3, при содержании твердых механических примесей до 10 % по массе с плотностью твердых ч
My mother worked at this factory for 26 years. The plant is engaged in the production of downhole pumps. The pumps are not bad, but in terms of competitiveness... there are better manufacturers, even the same China.
Modern pumping equipment. There are pumps for every color and taste :). At the factory, you can be advised on how to work with pumps, as well as set up the equipment and make the first start of the pump.