Check all your entered data!
Unpleasant impression and incompetence of the employee!
At first, he did not want to accept, telling how he wanted to leave for the country early, after he made a mistake in the passport data in !!! 2 insurance! I redid it 3 times and after another mistake I began to convince that it was not important and no one would look there! The employee has zero understanding of the possible consequences and losses. By persuasion, in order to correct their own mistakes, and after 40 minutes they received their insurance for traveling abroad, this task would take an experienced PC user 10 minutes. I really don't recommend it.
Наплодили в стране этих страховщиков, а работать не научили. На всю страну достаточно Белгосстраха. А здесь пристроили знакомых, дочек, внучек и т.д. Здание построили. Лучше был бы детский сад, а эти роты бездельников - в сельское хозяйство. Стране больше бы было пользы...