We bought beads for crafts with the child, bought a large number of packages, more than 25 pieces of bags of different colors. They opened houses for crafts, and it is of different sizes in the same color, round alternates with oval and oblong. The child's crafts turn out to be sloppy. It's my fault that I went to buy without glasses, I didn't see it all, but the seller acted ugly. If you are selling a non-condition, then you must honestly tell the buyer. The person will make a choice. According to the photo of the beads of the same color, it can be seen with the rest as well
Прекрасный магазин. Часто туда хожу покупать различные товары для рукоделия. На некоторые товары цены завышены, в Гродно есть магазины, где продают дешевле.