I have used tire repair services on R13 more than once and once again I was convinced that this is the best place for drivers, where they will help and do it efficiently, quickly and, most importantly, professionally, and also tell me if something is wrong and advise where and what can be fixed, this is a tire service where a female driver can come and leave with detailed information and without ridicule, as it happens almost everywhere. Thank you for your work and attention!!!
I am a regular customer of tire repair along Solomova Street, Grodno. The service is always at the highest level. The guys are real professionals and masters of their craft. I always trust and am 100 percent confident in their work. If you need first-class specialists in the field of tire repair, I recommend this service to everyone.
I accidentally visited this tire shop on 31.12.2024. The work was done by master Yuri. In addition to the standard set of work on replacing summer tires with winter tires, I polished the edges of the discs in the places where the tires fit and!!! the places where the wheel and brake disc fit (both elements). Well done. The master's hand is felt at all stages of the work. You understand that IMAGE is not an empty word in this tire shop. I recommend the service. Master Yuri - keep it up!