A great store, it's a pity I didn't have such a thing as a child, then I saw a sign: "RADIO COMPONENTS", the first part that I asked immediately turned out to be on sale, and all sorts of designers. I will attach a photo of the md "pirate" board that I assembled from a constructor that I bought on the same day, and the one above is similar, but as I had to assemble two years ago, after assembly everything worked immediately, I immediately purchased a power and charging module and it is powered by a single battery, I also took the case for 400 there tenge, everything fit into it. After some time, I stopped by and bought a watch constructor, assembled it, they didn't work right away, but after sitting until the morning and going through my soldering with a soldering iron, they worked again, it's a pity they don't have the radio promised by the seller, I realized this at home when I studied the circuit in more detail, so I put a homemade receiver next to it separately, but these are small things, the main thing is that the clock is running, the alarm is beeping, I figured out the settings, and the fact that everything turned out to be assembled from a handful of parts myself and it works brings incredible relief, I recommend it to everyone.
After a little thought, I realized that there is one big drawback in the watch: a transformer. It hums and warms up. I tried to power the circuit from a 5 volt charger, but the watch did not start, I found out on the Internet that to power the chip that was responsible for the watch, a voltage of 7 volts is needed, after I bought a boost-charging module in the same store, and everything worked, now space is free, I also cut out the battery compartment, and more space has been freed up, now the FM receiver board and a high-quality speaker, and two batteries with a total capacity of about 2 amperhours fit perfectly into the case. By the way, at the first attempt to survive the receiver board, I accidentally tore off a quartz resonator from it, bought it right there, put a new one on and everything worked. Now it is a radio clock with the possibility of autonomous operation for several hours, while with a working receiver, which, although it does not turn off, can be completely turned off the volume. Unfortunately, the sound cannot be transmitted from the photo, but it works, even if it is not very loud, but for the background, so that you do not sit in deathly silence, everything is heard well. By the way, soft pads on the legs would not hurt, because sometimes it vibrates at high volume. Externally, it has not changed, a telescopic antenna, a pair of buttons and a volume control have just been added. I had an idea to sell this watch, but not only did I like it myself, but it is unlikely that anyone will buy it at the price I spent on it.