A good European train station. It is conveniently located in the city center, close to all attractions. There are many democratic cafes, entrance to the platform through ticket scanning. Information about the departure platform appears 10 minutes before departure. This is normal.
Florence is in the center of the Italian boot, and there are many passing trains, despite the dead-end tracks.
A small railway station. It did not work out fully, because the TC got into a strike of the staff of the main railway company. As a result, there are a lot of people who do not understand what to do in the conditions of canceled trains.
The most important thing, like Tina at any train station, is to know where the luggage room is, where you throw your suitcases and go to eat, then come back and drive on. So at Florence station, it is located on the right from the outside of the station, if you stand with your back to the station and face the trains. So - with your back to the station, facing the tracks, go to the right and along the outer wall of the station past the McDonald's until you see a storage room on the left. Then 12 euros per seat and you are free as a bird.