An ordinary railway platform with a small pavilion. Obviously not an option for the winter period. The purely Belarusian approach with a water column is extremely annoying . Do people really feel sorry for water in the country?? I've been standing there for so many years...They took it and dismantled it. There are no words!
The station is certainly good, but there is a disadvantage, the room is not heated, there are no doors in the nutria there are only 2 benches. I want it to be like at the Gomel - Severny station, after college you just wait two and a half hours for diesel
I like coming to this city. Everything is clean and tidy. Of course, people are not very hospitable, but we are going to our parents. I want to stay, summer, sun, all my own. The station is good, but there is nowhere to board with small children, especially commuter trains. Inside, I had to breastfeed my daughter standing up, as they did not find a place.
On art .The device does not have a waiting room. But it makes sense. This place belongs to the city and in addition to trains, buses and minibuses run regularly. So, if someone missed the train, they can use the services of motor transport.