ЖД вокзалга барбаганыма коп жыл болгон болчу. Быйыл бардым ремонт болуп жатыптыр бир болугу. Бирок мурдагыдан кыйла эле жакшы жагына озгоргонун байкадым. Тазалык , тейлоо сапаты
I really liked it, the station was transformed after the renovation, became more modern. The station itself is cleanly cleaned. The station square and Peron are also well-groomed and fenced. Bishkek I miss you. 🥰🥰🥰😥😥
Quiet and peaceful. There are practically no passengers. Two commuter trains a day, three international trains a week. The staff is polite. The station is clean. The station square leaves much to be desired!