Ooh, it smells like sweets from the doorstep! There are delicious desserts, a large assortment of cakes, croissants, and other pastries. Nice sellers, very well served. I often come in, and I'm very happy.
I visited this confectionery (branch on mira) for the first time, and the first impression was good - a cozy place, a very friendly sales girl, took some cakes, and the first "milk girl" turned out to be strangely sour, after I looked closely, I found mold, took the rest to the store, 240 tenge to me without The conversations were returned and I thought the incident was over.
But apparently the pores of the mold spread to the eaten part of the piece - as a result, intoxication and poisoning the next day.
Be careful, check the sweets carefully
Of all the confectionery products, only 3-4 can be noted and tasted once, delicious))and mostly too sugary, ordinary store biscuits, with cheap ingredients, and the staff is always friendly