Hanging out as traditional and on the contrary an unconventional place in eastern culture, there is a treat, there is respect, it feels like home as soon as you sit down at the table, but Ramazan Bingol, unfortunately, has completely lost this feature and preferred to focus only on the material aspect
Dec paid portions on average in the 1000-1500 band, you will see even 4000 lira on the menu in single-person badgers, with the most reasonable products on the menu, 2 people pay an average of 2800 to 3200 min account, they will even spare a glass of water to the information of the outgoing
we came to ramazan brain restaurant twice as a family
every time we come, I congratulate him on being so sensitive about both product variety and taste, as well as cleanliness
you can eat your food in a delicious way with peace of mind