Private hospital and clinic in Yasamal district in Baku. We applied several times to this hospital, to the surgeon, to the ENT and for tests. A doctor's appointment costs an average of 50 manat, tests from 15 manat.
They accept foreigners without registration and without a passport. There is no electronic queue, everything is either on a first-come, first-served basis, or by some kind of agreement, it is not clear.
Doctors all speak Russian well, the medical person and administrators are not all.
You can call in advance, be sure to find a Russian speaker and give the necessary information about reception and services.
The hospital has an emergency department and a trauma center. On, as long as we understood, they work around the clock, but we did not apply at night.
There is also an operating room, at least the ENT doctor who looked at us was the operating ENT surgeon.
In general, if compared with other medical institutions in Baku, the hospital is quite modern, with the necessary equipment and laboratory.