Мозговые кости с вялеными томатами и красным луком
3190 ₸300 g
Фетучини с фирменным ребром
4190 ₸250 g
Креветки Фарфалле
5690 ₸250 g
Стейк из семги
7990 ₸250 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
Interior: a little dark, but generally normal, a lot of details, there is something to see. There are few cool places, it is better to book in advance. Nice chairs, there is Wi—Fi - you can come with a laptop to work. There is a smoking room.
Food: I tried the rib meat sandwich, which is more of a meat hot dog than a sandwich. Soft, delicious, everything is as it should be. It's small, you can't get enough of it, but enjoying it is the best thing. The coffee is also good.
Toilet: spacious, decent interior, there are all sorts of additional things, even a sponge for shoes.
I was surprised to find a collective farm piece of paper stuck on tape with a request not to throw paper into the toilet with stupid editing: two exclamation marks in one place, three exclamation marks separated by a space, "Ours" with a capital letter and others It
would seem that you have already spent money on a normal interior, and here one pathetic detail cheapens all efforts. Do not skimp on this, nothing prevents you from making a good sign, with a normal wording and hanging it prettily in a frame.
I was with my friends on March 17 , 2024 . We waited a long time for our orders (about 2 hours). The waiter is alone in the whole room, bursting. We ordered a Cappuccino, the foam settled literally as soon as it was served to us. They brought a friend a steak of the wrong roast (too not fried). They asked me to redo it. According to my order, there are no complaints, the Tuna was on top, but judging by the time I was cooking it, which is about 2 hours, the cook seems to have flown fishing to catch it. And the last thing that was not pleasant was the smell of sewage in the hall.
The most delicious steaks in the city, I've heard a lot about the marbling of the meat, I came and ordered it and saw for myself. They know at the bar that mixing kills you. In short, I was satisfied)