We stopped at the collapse / convergence. They took it right away, they did it within 15 minutes. They said go for a ride, if something goes wrong, come. Just a couple of laps around the area, slightly mowed the steering wheel to the right. We immediately stopped by and corrected it. Everything is fine!!! Besides, it's inexpensive!!!
I was patching up a side tire cut here and doing a camber.
The cut was sewn up so that there was no lump left. After I checked the route, everything is great.
Big greetings to the uncle at the collapse meeting.
Отличные ребята, сделали скидку на шины и отбалансировали колеса так, что никто не мог мне раньше в других Шымкенстких шиномонтажках так четко отбалансировать колеса.