After reading the reviews, I was envious))) Perhaps there is a new director at the moment, and who does not understand the specifics of the work at all. The commandant also, despite his experience, is inactive and violates the law, interpersonal relations are more expensive than the rules of living in a hostel.
In general, the administration is a complete mess. As a result, I had to move out due to the terrible condition of the rooms, the windows are full of holes, the doors are full of holes, the sewer is dead, the neighbor also got terrible, the commandant is inactive, the director "feeds" with promises. I'll say this, to each his own. I have something to compare it with, so it's wild for me. Maybe this will suit someone.
And oblselstroy will also not help in any way in case of anything. The hand washes the hand.
Общежитие блочное, но советского образца, поэтому не должно быть завышенных ожиданий. Внутренний быт и обустройство во многом зависят от самих жильцов - всегда можно навести уют и создать отличные условия для жизни в центре города!
Персонал общежития прекрасный - от вахтеров до администрации. Отдельное уважение директору - грамотный, понимающий, приятный человек!