We were there three times, and I got to different consultants, and everything is at the highest level, they explain everything clearly, tell me and if necessary they gave me paint samples! Super, I hope the quality of the products will also be on top!
Here you can buy professional wood painting products,
As well as other professional-level construction chemicals
Professional sales consultants will help you choose the product you need!
Очень серьезная компания. Работаю с ними очень давно. Все работники,не побоюсь сказать, специалисты высшего класса. И культура обслуживания всегда на высоте. Хочу пожелать компании "Реммерс" процветания и побольше богатых и адекватных клиентов. Удачи Вам в бизнесе))))))