They came to sew up a small hole in his T-shirt, refused, "we can't help you" it was said with the appropriate look and intonation, don't say hello, not until a date, communication is rude, The landlord changes the tenant
They came in different shifts, to different masters. That one or the other masters are treated rudely, absolutely not interested in the work, rudeness, extreme disrespect ... they remained in an unpleasant mood, there is no desire to apply anymore
It seems to me that the administration of the shopping center needs to change the tenant. Dialog of the type:
- Hello, you can replace the elastic band in the children's pants.
- Why can't you do it yourself?!
As I understand it, it is a common thing, but not usually, that as a result, I had to solve the issue with an elastic band to a man because my wife was upset, but who knew that my desire to free my wife from routine and entrust the issue to the pros would turn out this way.