Ремонт вмятин без покраски с сохранением лакокрасочного покрытия. Работаем более 10 лет, справляемся с самыми сложными повреждениями. Удаляем вмятины по немецкой технологии в RemontVmyatinby
25 Br1 cm
Удаление вмятин без покраски
Беспокрасочный ремонт любой сложности! Удаление вмятин производится квалифицированными специалистами и только профессиональным оборудованием. Работаем с различными видами металла уже более 10 лет.
If you need a better result, then come here. The dents were removed very coolly, absolutely nothing is visible! By the way, in two places before they advised RemontVmyatin, they did not take up work ...
Denis is really a high-level specialist, it is not for nothing that he is recommended. A very competent approach. In principle, all employees here are competent in matters of paintless repairs, it is clear that they are in their place. I recommend it!!!!
It's magic! Magic created by the skillful hands of RemontVmyatin.by, in the person of the author of the idea of Denis's own modified German nano-technology, the genius master Andrey and the foreman Alexander. The Audi Allroad door has been restored! There were a lot of dents. Now it's like new! Everything cost a "penny" and 1.5 hours of time. Thank you, Masters!
The best workshop is not in Minsk, but in the country, I think)
They take on what others are not able to do. They perform the most difficult work at the highest level! We fixed the complex damage so perfectly that, as a result, we ourselves did not immediately find the place of damage on the car))
I recommend it from the bottom of my heart! Denis is a really cool specialist in his field!