Лечение алкогольной зависимости: 290 руб
Временное кодирование (на 2 недели): 145 руб
Усиление действия нейрокода: 72,5 руб
Снятие действия нейрокода: 72,5 руб
1 Br
Лечение никотиновой зависимости (табакокурения)
Лечение никотиновой зависимости (табакокурения): 290 руб
1 Br
Лечение игровой зависимости (игромании)
Лечение игровой зависимости (игромании): 290 руб
1 Br
Лечение наркотической зависимости
Консультация психиатра-нарколога: 50 руб
Вопрос индивидуального лечебного сеанса возможен только после консультации с лечащим доктором!
1 Br
Лечение невротических и психосоматических расстройств
Сеанс индивидуальной психотерапии психосоматических, невротических и поведенческих расстройств с использованием комплекса аудиовизуальной регуляции (АВР) ритмов мозга и техники лечебного транса
1 Br
Лечение пищевой зависимости
Лечение пищевой зависимости (избыточный аппетит и вес): 290 руб
Good afternoon! I wanted to leave a review before visiting the medical center. I called to make an appointment and get psychological help. A lady with a dissatisfied voice and/or a bad mood replied: "Sign up for a session?! I'm a little surprised that you can choose any time, I say, "Tomorrow." The lady answers with disdain in her voice: "Well, first of all, we have a consultation in 10:00, 11:00, 12:00. Secondly, you need to pay for it first, and only then sign up." I didn't want her to add a swear word. And the silence, as if she was waiting for me to say goodbye to her. Enjoying her presentation of information, I start having fun inside myself and ask how to make the payment. She even talks about the payment reluctantly. This is the level, this is the business in the Republic of Belarus. Neither good afternoon to you, nor a positive attitude with your potential customers, nor how to make a payment, there is no question that she will send me step-by-step instructions or something that at least remotely relates to the clienting.
I called to enroll my husband for treatment , after a conversation with a woman who talked to me , I changed my mind to enroll my husband there . She picked up the phone and didn 't say hello , and I didn 't get the information out of her until the end , she reluctantly answered everything with sarcasm . After talking to her, I needed valerian. Question Do you have the same doctors ???????????????????
The framing was done 30 YEARS ago, it helped and is helping now. Thank you so much for your help!
The main thing is to do repeated sessions as recommended by a specialist.
I don't drink to this day. It's all good.